Starting in the beginning of September, we've been having weekly features for you guys to learn about what's inside the flavors you love so much. Strawberry Shortcake and Salted Chocolate Peanut Butter were our first attractions. 


Our most popular flavor, and everyone's favorite, has to be Strawberry Shortcake. It's been a cake flavor, ice cream flavor, you-name-it flavor, but here's the cotton candy flavor! From the organic freeze dried strawberry powder and creme cookies that are layered between strawberry flavored cotton candy, it's no wonder it's a hit for all ages. 


But when you're looking for something a little different, Salted Chocolate Peanut Butter is the way to go. We incorporate cocoa powder, peanut butter powder, and Himalayan salt for the perfectly sweet and salty combo. The cocoa powder adds another aspect of sweet, while the peanut butter powder (85% less fat calories than the traditional spread) and Himalayan salt includes the right amount of salty to balance everything out. This flavor is on sale right now until the end of the day (9/10), so what are you waiting for? 

And this week, we'll be featuring another loved flavor that might just have a sale too, so keep an eye out! Stay Sweet!